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If none answer your question use the form at the bottom of the page and we will respond to you personally.
Who can be a member?
We recommend the minimum age of 4 for tennis and 7 for squash. There is no upper limit. All skill levels are welcome. If you are looking for lessons we have very experienced coaches, so please contact us.
Is it possible to hire the courts and/or clubhouse for a private event?
It may be possible, but please contact the Office.
How often can I bring a playing guest?
The same guest may play with a Member up to four times in any twelve month period. After playing four times, the guest will be invited to take up membership and may not play the relevant sport again at the Club during the following twelve calendar months. A tennis member may play squash as a paying guest of a squash member up to four times a calendar year, and the reverse may play tennis four times.
A member of one sport playing category may not play as a guest of another member in the same sport.
My work will pay for me if the club provides a letter stating its facilities. Will the club provide a letter?
Members Privacy Policy
Why are you sending me this Privacy Policy?
On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation came into legal force. This is binding upon virtually every organisation in the UK and places greater obligations on how organisations handle personal data. SLTSC must comply with the Regulation. A vital part of GDPR is that we must set out the personal information that you supply to us and we must also explain to you how we use that information and safeguard it. This is what the Members’ Privacy Policy does.
Why does the Privacy Policy apply to me?
If you are a member of SLTSC then you are obliged to provide certain personal information so that we can manage your membership and give you the benefits for which you contract with the Club as a member. Because you provide that information, GDPR makes it necessary for us to inform you of our policy in holding, using and securing that information.
What information of mine does the GDPR apply to?
The GDPR applies to ‘personal data’, which means any information relating to you as an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified as a particular person by reference to that identifying data. This might include your name, telephone number, address, or your photographic image, for example. We set down in the Privacy Policy how we collect, use, hold, and share your personal data.
I have been a member for many years, so why does this Privacy Policy apply to me?
GDPR requires us to communicate and apply a policy to all members from the effective date of 25th May 2018. This isn’t a choice made by us but an obligation on all of us who as members together constitute the Club. The Members Privacy Policy has been approved by both the Managing Committee of the Club and the board of our limited company.
Why didn’t you give me the chance to opt-out of everything?
Your relationship with the Club as a member is contractual. You pay your subscription and other related fees and in return the Club is obligated to provide certain services to which you are entitled. As obtaining certain information from you to allow us to fulfil our obligations to you as a member is necessary and contractual we are unable to allow you a general opt-out. You can certainly opt-out of some aspects, as explained in the Policy. But without certain vital information we cannot perform core functions of the mutual contract that exists between you and the other members of the Club and also our captive limited company which provides services to us all.
Some organisations have asked me to opt-in explicitly to continue to receive information from them, so why haven’t you?
Many organisations with whom you may only have a distant relationship but who hold your personal data do under GDPR have to provide you with a fresh opt-in opportunity, so-called explicit “consent.” For example, a retailer from whom you purchased something once in the distant past may certainly be obligated to provide you a fresh opt-in. But those with whom you have an active relationship governed by a contract which you have entered into in an informed manner will not do so. An example might be your bank or your utility supplier, where running your account is absolutely core to the service you have contracted for with them. Just as those organisations will have done, in our Members’ Privacy Policy we have set down the lawful bases of processing your personal data which we use. But neither we nor they need ask you explicitly to opt-in under GDPR.
I am worried to read that you might provide my personal data to the police or designated local authority personnel. Why do you do this?
Because we have over-riding responsibilities in certain very rare cases where we are legally obligated to do so, or where our general legal duty of care to an individual requires it. This would only be done in very specific circumstances where personal data was provided in this way about a single individual member, or perhaps a very small number of individual members, where they or others were deemed to be at risk under our general legal duty of care or the LTA Safeguarding policy. This would only be done under the guidance of trained Safeguarding Officers.
Can the Privacy Policy be changed and can I make suggestions?
Certainly it can be amended. GDPR is a very complex piece of new regulation and we expect that our Policy may well require some refinement over time. If you have any specific suggestions or concerns please contact the Administrator as set down in the Policy.
What should I do if I’m not happy with this?
There are several aspects of the Policy which do allow you to opt-out of our using or retaining certain of your personal data. How you may do this is set down in the Policy. However, the Policy in its broad terms will apply to you as a member of the Club and you accept it as a condition of membership. If you do not feel able to accept this then in the first instance please contact the Administrator as set down in the Policy.
I'm injured, can I postpone renewing my membership?
If you are injured for a prolonged period, please contact the Office as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to credit you the 'missed' months against your next year's subscription invoice.
I'm at college most of the year, can I have a reduced fee?
Yes, we do have student rates for both Tennis and Squash for those who are over 18 but are still in full-time education and are unpaid. Please contact the Office for further details if this applies to you.
How does the Family Discount work?
If two or more members of a family residing at the same address are Senior playing members of either sport then we offer all those members a 10% Family Discount reduction. This discount applies to Full Senior and Off-peak Senior members only and applies to subscriptions and not to Joining Fees.
What happens if my birthday falls so that I move membership categories during the year?
We have a set date which is the criteria for the membership fee for each individual. We chose this to be on the 31st December of the year of membership joining or renewal, and this date always determines your eligible membership categories.
How do I get my shoe tag?
We no longer issue shoe tags.
When would I become liable for paying a Joining Fee again if I lapsed?
A Joining Fee is payable by all new applicants to our Senior playing categories at the Club who are over 28 years of age. However, this is not applicable for existing members provided they renew and pay their membership within one month of their individual membership renewal date. Any Member whose subscription is unpaid after one month ceases to be a Member under the Constitution. Any lapsed former member may re-apply if they so wish, but admission to a playing category will require the Joining Fee or a re-joining fee to be paid in order to be re-admitted to membership.
How does the Senior category work?
For both Tennis and Squash subscriptions we now have Full Member categories which apply to those members who are within the age-group 19-30. Above that age the Senior Member categories commence. We offer Full Senior and Off Peak Senior options on both sports.
Can I transfer membership from one of my children to another?
No, that is not possible. We set our Youth subscription rates at the lowest feasible levels in order to encourage youngsters to play sports but these levels do not allow us to transfer membership.
Can I freeze membership?
Can I get a pro-rata rate if I know I will only be playing for the start of the year.
No as our subscriptions are for a twelve month period. New members join for a twelve month subscription period commencing from the first day of the month in which their membership application is accepted by the Club, and pro-rata rates are no longer necessary. However, if you know you will be leaving the locality to live elsewhere this may be possible: please contact the Office in advance of your renewal if you think this may apply to you.
My membership has lapsed do I have to pay a joining fee again?
Yes, if your membership has lapsed you would be required to pay either the Senior Joining Fee or a re-joining fee for other categories prior to being re-admitted as a playing Member if you wish to re-join. Under our Club Rules any Member who has failed to pay their subscription within thirty days of the due date is regarded as having resigned and ceases from that date to be a Member.
When must I renew my membership by?
Subscriptions are set, generally annually, as of 1st April.
Members are required to pay their renewal within 30 days of the invoiced due date or their memberships will be deemed to have lapsed under Club rules. We usually send subscription invoices out in the week of their due date. Invoices are sent electronically to the email address held by the Club. Invoices for Youth Members are generally sent to one of the parents. For members without an email address invoices are sent by post.
We're engaged but we still live separately in two houses, can we join as a couple?
No, you need to live at the same address on the day of renewal or of joining in order to be eligible for the Family Discount.
I'm pregnant, can I suspend my membership?
Yes, for sports playing memberships you are welcome to do that so please contact the Office at
Tennis Membership
What are the Tennis Membership categories for 2024 - 25?
These are detailed on the Club’s official website which can be found here on the 'how to Join' page.
We have the following regular categories: Full Senior Member; Off Peak Senior Member (OPM); Full and Off-peak Member 19 to 28; Youth Member (with two bands of subscriptions payable according to age); Student Member and Off-peak Student Member for those over 18 but still in full-time eductation; Playing Parent Member; and Social Member (non-playing.)
What if my spouse or children and I wish to play?
We continue to offer our Family Membership Discount. If two or more members of a family residing at the same address are full Members of either the Tennis or Squash Section we offer a Family Discount of 10%. This applies to Full Senior and Off-peak Senior category members only with effect from 1st April 2022. This discount only applies to subscriptions and not to Joining Fees. We have also introduced a restricted membership called Playing Parent for those who only wish to play with their junior children. This does not allow play at other times than youth restricted hours and not with other members or guests. Find out more on our website or contact the office for details.
I play both Squash and Tennis, so what do I pay?
We are privileged at Sheen to have thriving sections in both sports. To encourage those who wish to play both tennis and squash we offer a dual sport Full Tennis & Squash Discount of 15%. This discount only applies to subscriptions and not to Joining Fees.
This applies to Full Senior, Off-peak Senior and Full 19 - 28 category members only from 1st April 2019.
What if I qualify for both Family and Dual Sport Discounts?
Then you receive both discounts provided you qualify in each respect. We recognise that you are part of a family bringing other participating players to our Club, and also that you play and subscribe for both sports.
Do I have to pay a Joining Fee?
Joining Fees are payable for admission to all over-18's membership categories with the exception of concessionary Students. There are no such fees for Youth playing categories nor to Social Members. Re-joining Fees apply at the same rates for lapsed memberships.
Can I play as an Overseas & Country Member?
This category was closed to new applicants many years ago.
Can a Social Member play tennis or Squash?
Our Social Membership is not designed for those who actively play tennis or squash at the Club. It allows at a very low cost those who wish to participate in our social events or who perhaps have an actively playing spouse and wish to have a connection with their partner’s club to enjoy our non-playing facilities.
However a Social Member is eligible under our Rules to play tennis or squash as a paying Guest on a maximum of four occasions in any twelve month period provided they pay the relevant Guest Fee.
Have the Off-Peak Hours Changed?
No, for 2022 - 23 the eligible hours during which OPMs can play tennis remain as before. Those hours apply throughout the year, and are: Weekdays 9am to 6pm, and Weekends 2pm to 6pm only.
Does this mean OPMs can now play at any time of day?
It does not. OPM eligible hours remain unchanged and general play; arranged games; team practice sessions; and organised mix-ins may be played by OPMs only within those hours.
Can OPMs now enter general in-Club Tournaments?
Yes, the Managing Committee decided this eligibility should be restored from 2016-17. OPM entry into our tournaments is subject to the same entry fee requirements as for Full and other members.
Which of our in-Club tournaments does this apply to?.
All of them, provided an OPM would be gender or age-qualified to enter. At the present time the Club runs a Summer Open Tournament; Veteran’s Winter Tournament; Box League Tournaments; and in summer months also a Mid-week American Tournament. OPMs continue to be eligible to enter any of these in their particular gender/category. As the Club’s tennis programme develops, other tournament events may perhaps be offered and the Managing Committee would expect these too to be open to OPMs on the same basis.
Does this mean no more OPM-only in-Club tournaments?
It does. The Off Peak Tournament was only commenced a couple of years ago and very few OPMs ever registered with the result that the tournament has never actually been held. Unless our OPMs particularly consider that the OPM Tournament should be continued, the Managing Committee believes that inviting OPMs to participate in general Club tennis tournaments is the better way to go.
So can an OPM play a tie within our Club tournaments at any time of day?
Yes, they can. But the basis on which such a tie can be played may take either of two forms:
• if a particular tournament tie is played within OPM eligible hours, then the OPM may play without any further payment beyond the overall tournament entry fee
• if a tie is played for any reason outside OPM eligible hours then a Supplementary Subscription of £5 will be payable by the OPM for each such occasion on which they play
What happens if an OPM is asked by an opponent to play a tournament game outside of OPM hours?
We very much hope that in the spirit of our Club all participating members will try, just as they do now, to arrange to play tournament rounds at mutually agreeable times. Consideration of other members’ circumstances and availability is a basic tenet of any members club. However, our Full members pay through their significantly higher subscription for unrestricted court eligibility and your Managing Committee believes it to be fair that a Full member can ultimately ask for a tie to be played outside OPM hours if that is unavoidable. For this reason, it will be a condition of entry for OPMs wishing to play in any in-Club tournament to accept that they may on occasion be required to pay a Supplementary Subscription in order to play a particular tie. If they do not do so they will as a consequence be required to concede the tie.
What is the Supplementary Subscription for OPMs?
OPMs benefit from a substantial discount in their membership fees and in return accept that their court usage is restricted to times at which the Club is generally less busy. For tennis, Full members currently pay £295 annually, and OPMs only £190. Your Managing Committee believes that charging a modest additional subscription of £5 for each in-Club tournament or inter-club team match which an OPM chooses to play outside those hours is fair on balance to all our members, both Full and OPM.
So is this a Guest Fee?
No. Guest Fees apply only where a non-member enjoys a game at our Club, or perhaps where a single-sport member wishes to play the very occasional game of either squash or tennis as the case may be in their non-membership category. Guest play in either sport is strictly limited under Club Rules to only four occasions maximum per twelve months to protect the interests of our membership overall. This restriction on non-member play does of course help encourage those who decide that they enjoy our wonderful environment at SLTSC to join the Club! In contrast, OPMs may play any number of times within tournaments or if selected for match teams provided they pay the Supplementary Subscription for each individual occasion that they play a particular game outside OPM-eligible hours. This is certainly not limited to only three occasions.
So how do I pay the Supplementary Subscription, or pay a Guest Fee?
Every time a Supplementary OPM Fee is incurred for matches at Sheen the member in question is responsible for paying this either at the Club Office or Bar during opening hours or using the register and envelopes provided for the purpose. These can be found in the Clubhouse main area near the television; in a wallet on the office door; and in the squash building lobby area. Team captains are responsible for co-ordinating Supplementary OPM fees for those who play in inter-club matches and team practices.
Guest fees must now be paid online, in advance at the time of the court booking by the relevant member.
Which Club teams does this apply to?
All teams which represent SLTSC in events against other Clubs. Naturally, gender and age-group qualifications will still apply, but if a team represents the Club then OPMs are eligible if selected by Team Captains.
How can an OPM be selected for inter-club matches?
In exactly the same way as any other member: make yourself known to Team Captains as being available for selection; be prepared to play when those matches are scheduled, including paying the Supplementary Subscription on each occasion that match hours of play make that necessary; and most importantly play to the relevant standard – Sheen teams are competitive and have a successful history!
Does the Supplementary Subscription apply only for home fixtures then?
No, it is a Supplementary Subscription which allows OPMs to participate more widely than their eligible hours would otherwise allow and it must be paid for any relevant game, played both home or away. Fees for OPMs playing in away fixtures which take place during non-OPM hours must be paid to the Team Captain before the match commences who will then pay them to the office at the next opportunity.
When does this come into effect?
The Managing Committee decided that this widened OPM participation should apply from the tennis subscription year 2016-7 onwards.
Will there be any implications for the British Tennis Membership/Wimbledon Ballot in these changes?
Under LTA regulations only Tennis members are eligible for a free Affiliated British Tennis Membership (BTM). Squash and Social Members should not be linked to the Club but may retain or join British Tennis independently as Non-Affiliate BTMs. Squash and social members who do this will be eligible to enter the LTA central ballot for this membership type. To see the full terms and conditions please contact the LTA at the following address:
Tennis Coaching
Can non-members have individual or group coaching lessons?
No, as Sheen is a members' club we require all those who participate in tennis coaching activities to be members after a maximum of three initial introductory sessions at which they may play as a guest. Please contact our head tennis coach Paul Boffa by email at
Can I pay electronically or by Direct Debit?
The office will let you have our bank details and you can easily make an electronic payment from your bank to ours. However, we do not offer a Direct Debit payment scheme.
Can I pay by monthly Direct Debit?
No. Subscriptions must be paid for twelve months in advance. Our tennis and squash fees year runs from April to March. If you join mid-year for your chosen sport you will still pay for a full twelve month subscription but your renewal will then be at the anniversary date of your month of joining.
Can I pay in instalments?
No, our subscriptions have to be paid for a full twelve month period in advance. However, if you have a personal credit card you may pay using that and then at your choice spread the cost of your annual subscription.
Can I pay by Debit or Credit Card?
Yes, you can. If you wish to do this please email the Office at
Where do I send the cheque and renewal form to?
We no longer accept payment by cheques or cash.
How do I know my membership payment has been received and processed, or see details of my membership?
Normally, you will receive confirmation of payment by email. You can also view all your subscription payments by logging in to the Sheen website, selecting 'My Profile' from the top menu and 'My account' from the drop down list.
What happens if I spot a mistake in a payment I made in a previous year?
Please email us at
Do you operate a 'pay and play' scheme for non-members?
As this is a members' club, we do not offer that facility.
Website FAQ's
How can I access the menu on a tablet or mobile phone?
On the home page you will see, to the right of the login box, three horizontal black bars.
Tap that area and the menu will be displayed. See the photos below for iPad and iphone.
Other devices are similar.
Squash FAQ's
Click on an item to display the content
How do I top up credit for Court Bookings?
Log in to the Sheen website and on the Members Page click on 'Court Bookings'. Click on ‘Manage Account’ then ‘Add Credit’ to top-up your account. Although any amount can be credited it is recommended that the minimum credit/payment value is £20 for seniors.
How much are the court fees?
£4 per 45 minutes: When a booking is made, your and your opponent’s account will each be debited £2. If your opponent has no credit then you will be given the opportunity to book and pay £4 from your own account.
Guests: If your opponent is not a squash member then your account will be reduced by £4 plus the appropriate guest fee. For peak periods this is £3 and for off-peak it is £1.
How far ahead can I book a court?
The system allows members to make bookings up to 21 days ahead.
What happens if the lights aren’t on when I arrive?
Check the time and your booking on the court terminal. The lights should have come on 10 minutes before the start time. Check the manual override switch is in the on position and that the court light switch is in the “on” position. If the lights still don’t turn on, you may need to continue your match using pound coins, however we will be able to credit your account accordingly. Please email the office at
What if we need more time?
If you don’t manage to finish your game and the next time slot is booked there is nothing you can do unless you agree something amongst yourselves.
If you don’t manage to finish your game and the next time slot is not booked, you can play on by engaging the manual override to the off position and feeding £1 or 20p coins in the appropriate meter. Remember to move the manual override switch back to its original, ie “on” position when you exit the court.
When can I cancel a court?
You and/or your playing partner can cancel a court anytime up to 24 hours before the start time and a full refund will be made.
You can cancel less than 24 hours before the start time but the full amount will be charged (£2 per player) unless the court is re-booked by someone else before the start time in which case a full refund is made.
How does the payment system work?
When you top-up your personal account with credit, after entering at least the minimum amount, the system will redirect you to a payment site where you can pay using a debit or credit card.
Where is my money held?
Your credit is held in the club’s Stripe bank account, not with the Court Booking system or any other intermediary.
When does the money get debited from my account?
With the online payment feature, the fees are deducted when you confirm your booking. A valid booking means the court lights (and heating depending on ambient temperature) will turn on automatically 10 minutes before the start time.
Constitution FAQ's
Why do we have a Constitution?
Every members’ club, no matter how large or how small, requires formal rules which govern the rights and responsibilities of its members and define how the club will function. For us at Sheen LTSC many of those rules are enshrined in our Club Constitution. The Constitution forms a mutual legal contract between each and every member of our Club and as such is our most important governing document.
Why did anything need changing?
There were three main reasons:
- At the Special General Meeting held on 3rd June 2015 the Club membership voted overwhelmingly to require that the Managing Committee (“MC”) perform a thorough review of our Constitution and governance.
- Our former Constitution had not been updated for many years and did not reflect modern legislation governing members’ clubs and particularly Community Amateur Sports Clubs (“CASCs”) such as SLTSC.
- Many of the important powers in our former Constitution rested in the board of directors of our Company and not in the membership. Your Managing Committee and the newly appointed directors of our Company together strongly believe that the club membership should be as fully empowered as possible.
Can you highlight what the main changes are?
- Previously only the Company board of directors had the power to make changes to certain very important Club Rules. Those explicit powers have now been removed from the board. Our members voting together in general meeting can now make any changes to the Constitution and Club Rules that they see fit provided only that those do not conflict with our legal standing as a CASC.
- The relationship between our Company and the Club has been clarified. Club Committees are properly authorised as being the day‐to‐day decision makers, with the Company now effectively performing a stewardship role managing contracts and other legal functions.
- We have better defined the powers of your Managing Committee and constrained the MC’s powers of action in exceptional or emergency circumstances.
- Our grievance and disciplinary processes have been modernised; made fully compliant with LTA model standards; and have been brought within the Club’s authority instead of the Company’s.
- We formerly categorised Youth members as being those who were below the age of 21 years, whereas legislation now requires this applies only up to the age of 18. This does not affect our discounted subscriptions structure for younger members in any way.
How were the changes decided upon?
At all stages the Managing Committee and our Company board of directors worked very closely together on this. The new Constitution has been based upon Lawn Tennis Association model rules suitable for adoption by CASCs. These had to be tailored to suit our circumstances because Sheen has an unusual interlinked structure which comprises a members club; a not‐for‐profit company; and a trust‐owned controlling shareholding.
If you are interested in understanding this further please see the governance presentation from the Club AGM 2015 which can be found here
Once the MC and directors agreed the appropriate changes a full legal review was undertaken by a senior partner at Dixon Ward Solicitors. Final documents were then submitted for obligatory review by HMRC Charities Division. A great deal of volunteer time and effort has been invested in this revision, but now following receipt of HMRC’s written approval the Constitution is now in place.
When does this take effect?
Immediately. The Constitution applies equally to all members now that it has been adopted and communicated to the membership as a whole.
Does this matter to me as a member?
In day‐to‐day terms the changes should not have any impact at all on members. The Constitution is concerned with club governance and its real importance is in providing the framework within which the membership as a whole sets the direction and longer term strategy of the Club, and defines how the membership delegates responsibility for the Club’s day‐to‐day management.
Do I need to do anything?
Other than spending a little time reading the Constitution, no. The new Constitution does govern your legal rights and responsibilities as a member so your MC strongly advises that you invest the time necessary to understand it.
How can I comment on the changes?
The Constitution is now in force and can only be changed in normal circumstances if the Club Membership votes to do so in a General Meeting. The Club Members now control the destiny of our Club and its Rules, as they should. A formal opportunity to consider any further changes and improvements will be included in the agenda for the next Annual General Meeting of the Club later this year. In the meantime, if you have any comments or suggestions please make these known to the MC by email at:
or by discussing them in person with the Club Chair or Vice‐chair.
What if I do not accept some of the rules in the Constitution?
When first joining SLTSC each of us formally committed to abide by the Rules, Bylaws and Regulations of the Club. We are each personally bound by the terms of the mutual contract with other members which is enshrined in our Constitution. Anyone not accepting this has the alternative of not renewing their membership or leaving the Club, but no member can ignore the applicability of the rules. Again, if you have any specific questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Club Chair or Vice‐chair in the first instance.
Still got a question?
Please enter your question in the form below and we will respond to you as soon as we can