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    1. These Regulations shall apply to all members, guests, visitors and staff who enter the Club’s premises;.All members of the Club and all unlicensed and unregistered coaches and other persons using the facilities of the Club shall also be required as a condition of such use to agree to be bound by the Rules and Byelaws of the Club, including the Club's Privacy Policy, and all members of the tennis section of the Club  as well as all unlicensed and unregistered tennis coaches and other tennis players shall also be bound by and subject to the Rules and Disciplinary Code of the Lawn Tennis Association (the LTA). Copies of the Rules  and Byelaws  of the Club and the LTA Rules and Disciplinary Code are available for inspection at the Club on request and on the Club’s website.
    2. All members shall assist the Club’s Officers and members of committees in ensuring in everyone's interests that the Club’s rules, bye-laws and regulations are observed at all times.
    3. Vehicles, other than pedal cycles, perambulators, and those delivering goods to the Club, shall not be allowed to enter the Club’s land.
    4. Motor vehicles other than those making authorised deliveries to the Club shall not be parked in the standing area by the entrance gate. Members and their guest may not park their cars in this area. Members must not park or leave their vehicles at any time on Parkland Close, which is a private road not owned by the Club.
    5. Cycles shall not be taken beyond the gate at the beginning of the Changing Room building. Cycles may be left on Club premises only at the owner’s own risk.
    6. Children under the age of four shall not be allowed into the Club except in the company of an adult, who may be asked to remove them if they are not quietly behaved.
    7. Dogs shall not be allowed onto the Club’s premises unless on a leash and are not allowed on any tennis or squash court at any time.  Dogs shall be removed if they cause a disturbance.
    8. Subject to any limitation set by the Bar Committee, any adult member may invite one or more guests to attend a Club social event or use the bar.
    9. Any member who introduces a playing guest to the Club shall enter the name of the visitor or guest, and pay the Guest Fee for each booked playing session, in the court booking system before play commences.
    10. Any such member shall be responsible for the good conduct of the visitor or guest and for the payment of any fees or other expenses resulting therefrom.
    11. Although the Club is normally open throughout the year, members shall not use any facilities which are temporarily closed for repair or maintenance or lack of supervision.
    12. Members and their guests accept that the Club is required under its Club Premises Certificate to operate secure CCTV coverage.
    13. Members are not permitted to play on the Club's courts if any part of their membership subscription is overdue. Memberships will lapse in accordance with the Constitution if subscriptions remain unpaid, in whole or in part, one month after the due date of invoice. Re-joining fees apply for any re-admission to lapsed membership and are payable at the applicable Senior Member Joining Fee rate of £75 or for membership of playing categories other than Senior Member in the amount of £25.




  1. The club’s tennis courts shall not be used as a thoroughfare, whether or not they are in use.
  2. Persons shall not walk on the club’s courts when they are unfit to play.
  3. Persons shall not enter the squash courts unless they are wearing appropriate footwear.
  4. Persons shall not use bicycles, skateboards, scooters, rollerskates or any similar wheeled equipment in or on the Club’s premises.
  5. Persons shall extinguish any lights and fires in rooms which have ceased to be used.
  6. Persons shall not leave drink cans, cigarette ends or any other rubbish on the courts or any other part of the Club’s premises except in rubbish receptacles.
  7. Posters, notices or placards shall not be displayed in or about the Club’s premises without the permission of the relevant committee.




  8. Chairs, tables or other equipment shall not be removed from the Club’s  premises without the approval of the Managing Committee and shall be replaced as soon as possible.
  9. A person who accidentally or negligently damages the fittings, furniture, or other property of the Club shall report it to a member of the Managing Committee, who will consider what further action is appropriate.
  10. A person who maliciously or recklessly damages the fittings, furniture or other property of the Club shall reimburse the Club for the cost of repair or replacement.
  11. The Club or Company shall not be responsible for any loss sustained through members leaving personal property on any part of the Club’s premises.
  12. Any unclaimed personal property found on the Club’s premises shall be handed to the bar steward or office manager.
  13. Portable radios or cassette players shall not be played on the Club’s premises unless they are heard only through a personal earphone.




  14. The general hours during which excisable liquors may be supplied (if at all) shall be:

    Monday – Thursday











  15. The supply of excisable liquors to members during those periods may be withdrawn at any time.
  16. Excisable liquors shall not be brought into the Club or consumed by members, guests or visitors on the premises during hours when the bar is open.
  17. Excisable liquors shall not be sold to children under the age of 18.
  18. No person other than an adult member, guest or approved visitor is permitted to order or pay for excisable liquors.
  19. All refreshments bought at the Club shall be paid for before the member leaves the premises.
  20. Bar staff shall not cash members’ personal or business cheques.
  21. Youth members and other children accompanying an adult member are allowed in the Club Bar, and may buy non-intoxicating refreshments there, but shall leave the bar if asked to do so by a Committee Member or the Bar Steward.
  22. All glasses and crockery shall be returned to the bar or kitchen after use.
  23. Games other than games of skill shall not be played at the club.
  24. Card table money may be charged and fixed from time to time by the Bar Committee.




  25. Members and their guests, while on the Club’s premises or in the course of attending a Club function, shall not engage in such action or use such  language as is likely to cause offence to others (including neighbours), to lead to a breach of the peace or to bring the club’s name into disrepute.
  26. The conduct of an employee of the Club or company shall never be a matter of personal reprimand or criticism by any member other than the designated officers and member volunteers.
  27. Any complaints shall be made in writing to the Chair of the Managing Committee or office administrator, and shall be signed by the members making them.
  28. Any serious or persistent breach of these by-laws for the good conduct of the Club will be reported to the Managing Committee who will consider what, if any, disciplinary action would be appropriate in accordance with the Club’s rules.