Squash Leagues
We run competitive leagues catering to all standards, with ~60 club members grouped into leagues of 5 to 7 players.
To rejoin or drop out of the squash league, please contact the Squash League Organiser, David Newman (
For new members seeking to join the squash league for the first time, please contact David Newman so he can place you at the right level in the main league. You can also get a feel for the club standard by attending the squash mix-in which runs every Saturday from 11am to 1pm, then let David know where he should slot you in.
League results are entered on the court Booking system. The points scoring is as follows:
Games score |
Points |
3 - 0 | 6 - 1 |
3 - 1 | 5 - 2 |
3 - 2 | 4 - 3 |
League Etiquette: It’s always a good idea to contact the other players in your league at an early stage. Please let them and me know if you cannot play your games, perhaps because of injury. If you suspect you will not be able to play many of your games, it will be fairer not to play any of them rather than just, say, one. If you let the League organiser know of a valid reason like injury for not playing your league games, you will not automatically be relegated. But if you do not play any games in two leagues running your name will be removed from the leagues.