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Events Calendar

Tennis: Saturday Full Member Mix-in

Event capacity: 16

Number of attendees: 16

Number waiting: 2

How to cancel

if you need to cancel then go to the email that you received when you registered for the event where you will find a link to cancel.

You can also cancel by first logging on to the Sheen website then clicking on the event in the calendar where the cancel option will be available.

This event is fully booked
However - you can join the waiting list in case other registrations are cancelled.


Leon HS
Tick.png '2024-12-22 13:17' Leon HS
Nathalie Jacob
Tick.png '2024-12-22 13:18' Nathalie Jacob
Yasmin Howard-Spink
Tick.png '2024-12-22 13:41' Yasmin Howard-Spink
Harmesh Bhambra
Tick.png '2024-12-22 13:54' Harmesh Bhambra
Wu Huang
Tick.png '2024-12-22 14:46' Wu Huang
Ian Wyatt
Tick.png '2024-12-22 15:08' Ian Wyatt
Tick.png '2024-12-22 16:35' Panos
Nigel Sherwin
Tick.png '2024-12-22 17:15' Nigel Sherwin
Martin Hammer
Tick.png '2024-12-22 18:08' Martin Hammer
Jim Homewood
Tick.png '2024-12-22 18:25' Jim Homewood
Len Whitford
Tick.png '2024-12-22 22:38' Len Whitford
David Shnaps
Tick.png '2024-12-22 22:39' David Shnaps
Bianca Kellaway
Tick.png '2024-12-23 15:21' Bianca Kellaway
Michael Kellaway
Tick.png '2024-12-23 15:22' Michael Kellaway
Christine Williamson
Tick.png '2024-12-23 15:36' Christine Williamson
Christina Atchison
Tick.png '2024-12-23 15:37' Christina Atchison
Julia Stephenson [Waiting]
Tick.png '2024-12-24 19:23' Julia Stephenson
Rachel S [Waiting]
Tick.png '2024-12-24 20:23' Rachel S
Attendee (16+2/16+4)Attendance StatusRegistration TimeField Name