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Events Calendar

Wednesday Night Tennis Mix-in & BBQ

Event capacity: 32

Number of attendees: 2

Spaces still remaining: 30

Number waiting: 0

Spaces left for this event: 30
Pay by Debit/Credit card or PayPal

Social tennis and BBQ. Full members only, no Off Peak members.

Fee of £8 to cover costs of food and prizes


Giovanni Terranova
Tick.png '2024-06-27 23:20' Giovanni Terranova £8.00 Pay by Debit/Credit card or PayPal £8.00 £0.00 £8.00
Alan Saunderson
Tick.png '2024-06-28 14:06' Alan Saunderson £8.00 Pay by Debit/Credit card or PayPal £8.00 £0.00 £8.00
Attendee (2/32)Attendance StatusRegistration TimeMember NameAmount PaidPayment MethodTotal FeesOutstanding BalanceFee for Event